It's that time of year. Instead of setting new years resolutions, that won't last longer than January, I decided to do a bucket list. Too many things to list for the rest of my life, so I will just start with 2011. I will try to revisit this as items are accomplished, as one item on my list is to blog more :)
- Make Pasta
- Plant a larger garden, let the kids help
- Complete a 365 photo project on my children
- Make more meals homemade and from scratch
- Use more natural and homeopathic remedies for first aid and minor colds, aches, and pains
- Pack lunches for the kids and myself consistently, and pack breakfast for Jonathan on school days
- Finish reading Magic Treehouse Series with Jonathan
- Share more. Blog more.
- Finish reading "The Jesus Storybook" with the kids, and continue rereading it with them.
- Complete my photography website, and work on marketing materials
- Expand photography business and skills.
- Continue sticking to budgeting Dave Ramsey style, and working on baby steps
- Can more applesauce
- Make more of an effort to recycle consistently
- Catch a fish
- Have a date night with hubby, once a month, we need it!
- Eliminate the kids plastic plates, they are just fine using the small plates
- Move Lilah to using regular cups unless traveling
- Write a good maid of honor speech, because someone is getting married this year!
- Spend as much time at the cabin as we can this year
- Spend more time with friends
- When my backstock of toothpast runs out sometime this year, start making our toothpaste