Our plans to borrow a backpack carrier fell through and after much searching to buy one before going to Mackinac were unsuccessful, I don't think the sell those things in stores. We ended up picking up an umbrella stroller, I always wanted one. Sounds silly, but we never got one. Well we have one now, and it is hilarious to listen Lilah say "stroller". We used the umbrella stroller around the island for Lilah. It ended up working out just fine, a little hard up the big hills but it was manageable. First we went to the fort. The kids loved it, specially the kids room. Jonathan kept wanting to go back there. We walked around going in all the buildings and saw the gun and cannon demonstration. We hiked to Sugar Loaf, Arch Rock, Skull Cave, and walked through the cemetery. Jonathan hated the horses because he hates horse poop. He would randomly say he could smell the horses coming and he did not like them or their poop. Can't blame him, I like horses, but I also am not a fan of horse poop. I don't know if it was because most kids were in school, or maybe it was senior day, but the island was filled with blue hair. Tons of carriages went by filled with seniors, and they loved the kids, and the kids loved waiving to them all. We stopped for a picnic lunch at Skull Cave, and Mike and Jonathan, and then Jonathan and I walked around the base of Sugar Loaf. He did awesome hiking all day.
We walked down all the streets downtown and went in a few stores, then decided to take the boat back to Mackinaw City. We packed a bag for overnight in case we decided not to drive back to the cabin. And we did. We stayed in a hotel in Mackinaw City. We were exhaused and so were the kids. We ate dinner at a really nice little restaurant called "Pizza Palace", had all the intentions of getting pizza but the rest of the menu looked so delicious. A few bites in to dinner Jonathan started covering his mouth and saying he was going to throw up. He needed some fresh air outside, so we took turns taking him outside for fresh air. If I didn't know any better I woudl say my 4 year old son was pregnant. He never got sick that night, but he did not feel good for sure. We walked around Mackinaw City and let the kids play on a playground we found in the outside mall. After that we decided to go drive around. We drove over the bridge and back. Stopeed to take pictures a few times and look for the best view. Love how my husband is always thinking of me :) After a few meltdowns abotu wanting to stay on cousin Jace's island and drive to see him, we headed back to the hotel. I am sure we all fell alseep before 10. Mike woke around 1 and the lights were all still on and so was the tv. Guess we were a little tired. Bummed I missed Parenthood, I was so excited we had tv for the night, but grateful for a fun day and a somewhat good nights rest.