Saturday, April 6, 2013


I have been stalking the 10 day forecast on the weather app on my phone for the past few weeks.  The minute I saw that the next 10 nights it would not get near freezing, I knew it was the right time to start moving some of the plants that have been growing inside, outside.  I have other plants that needs to be started indoors, and I am running out of room.  I have been hardening off these plants over the past week.  I have been taking them outside every day that I could.  That helps the plants get used to the weather outdoors.  Otherwise if you just stick them directly outside they could go in to shock.

I transplanted all 4 cauliflower plants plants . .

all 4 cabbage plants . . .

12 Leeks . . .

4 Rainbow Chard plans (and seeded another 4) . . .

and 9 Rhubarb plants.  This is the first year I have planted rhubarb.  From what I have read we won't get much of a crop this year, but it will come back next year.  The plants are doing great   .

When I was getting ready to transplant the leeks, I noticed in the square next to me, that the garlic is finally coming up.  Last year it was up this high in January.  I was worried the bed froze too long or something happened and our garlic was not going to grow, so I was very excited when I found this (and many others coming up).

I went outside tonight to cover some of the plants, but then I saw the overnight temp is only supposed to get to 52, so I left them.  Hoping they do well.

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