Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Summer Vacation Day 3
Monday morning after the kids played for a while, we drove to a beach in Marquette. We really went to see the lighthouse from the beach, so we didn't swim. The weather was warming up , but Lake Superior sure wasn't. The kids played at a playground at the beach and then we drove about 45 minutes to a trail. We hiked with Maggy and the boys to Laughing Whitefish Falls. Poor Maggy let us use their backpack carrier for Lilah, and she pushed Boden in an umbrella stroller. I think the hike itself was only 1/2 mile, but the stairs went on forever.
Somehow I let Mike convince me to crawl over the deck area and go to the bottom of the waterfall to take pictures. Of course Jonathan and Jace wanted to follow. So Mike and the bigger boys joined. They had a great time walking on the rocks with Mike. They saw large frogs and turtles. We then made the long hike back up the stairs. Jonathan just about ran up all of them. I tried to keep up as he had an "opporunity" with his listening skills (she still insists he left his listening ears at Nana's), but he sure gave me a run for my money.
I think Jonathan's favorite part of our hikes was the fact that if he had to pee, he could go outdoors. He doesn't get to do that at home. If it were only that convenient for all of us . . .
After our hike we met Uncle Craig at the Marquette Lighthouse. We went on a tour and went through the museum. We were able to walk out on the grounds of the lighthouse too. We ordered some of the most delicious pizza, and while it was cooking we took the kids back to "Wood Park" to play. After we ate dinner at Craig and Maggy's, Craig took us all on a tour of his golf course. We took an 8 passenger golf cart around the grounds. I think this was one of my favorite parts of our vacation. The golf course is absolutly beautiful. It has AMAZING views. Jonathan loved riding on the golf cart. He found a ball and Jace tought him how to wash it in the ball washer. The kids found a patch of wild raspberries and filled their little bellies. Lilah loved the green. The grass was perfect for her to crawl around and stand on. The boys also enjoyed rolling down the huge hills. The perfect ending to the perfect day.

Somehow I let Mike convince me to crawl over the deck area and go to the bottom of the waterfall to take pictures. Of course Jonathan and Jace wanted to follow. So Mike and the bigger boys joined. They had a great time walking on the rocks with Mike. They saw large frogs and turtles. We then made the long hike back up the stairs. Jonathan just about ran up all of them. I tried to keep up as he had an "opporunity" with his listening skills (she still insists he left his listening ears at Nana's), but he sure gave me a run for my money.
I think Jonathan's favorite part of our hikes was the fact that if he had to pee, he could go outdoors. He doesn't get to do that at home. If it were only that convenient for all of us . . .
After our hike we met Uncle Craig at the Marquette Lighthouse. We went on a tour and went through the museum. We were able to walk out on the grounds of the lighthouse too. We ordered some of the most delicious pizza, and while it was cooking we took the kids back to "Wood Park" to play. After we ate dinner at Craig and Maggy's, Craig took us all on a tour of his golf course. We took an 8 passenger golf cart around the grounds. I think this was one of my favorite parts of our vacation. The golf course is absolutly beautiful. It has AMAZING views. Jonathan loved riding on the golf cart. He found a ball and Jace tought him how to wash it in the ball washer. The kids found a patch of wild raspberries and filled their little bellies. Lilah loved the green. The grass was perfect for her to crawl around and stand on. The boys also enjoyed rolling down the huge hills. The perfect ending to the perfect day.

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Vacation Day 1 and 2
Day 1
We planned on leaving for vacation Saturday they 18th, around 3pm, a few hours in to Marjie's open house. That morning we changed our plans and decided to drive straight through to Marquette to stay with Craig, Maggy, and the boys. It was going to get cold that night and we wanted to wait until it was a little warmer to camp.
The kids were great for the 8 hour drive. They both slept until we got to Mackinaw City and stopped for dinner. Once we crossed over Lilah slept off and on, and Jonathan stayed awake watching movies and playing. We got in around 10:45, chatted a bit and went to sleep.

Day 2
We lucked out and Uncle Craig had the day off, overseeing the golf course, he doesn't get very many of those. We started off the day with a hike up SugarLoaf Mountain. The kids had a great time. Jonathan and Jace would take off ahead of us and explore. They enjoyed climbing up the rock and picking and eating wild blueberries. Jonathan was stealing all the berries everyone was picking. The grabbed some sticks and stones on the way up and loved "launching" them off the top of the mountain. The view was amazing. Most people forget we have all of this right here in Michigan.
After our climb, we went in to Marquette and picked up a family size sub to split from a local sub shop. We took it to Presque Isle Park and had a picnic lunch facing Lake Superior. This was where we had Craig and Maggy's rehearsal lunch at. The boys spend a good hour throwing rocks in to Lake Superior while Boden and Lilah splashed in the little puddles of water that gathered on the rock. I think they could have spent all day doing that.
We headed back home and let the boys play outside. They had a great time running across the rumble bridge and playing in the sandbox. Mike and Craig went golfing at Craig's golfcourse, Greywalls, while Maggy and I took the kids to "Wood Park". Jonathan and Jace were "booming" on the older kids when they started to play back. Jonathan ended up getting pushed down and mommy had to lay down the law with a few kids. I can't stand bullies. After a nice dinner and baths, we were all ready for bed.

We planned on leaving for vacation Saturday they 18th, around 3pm, a few hours in to Marjie's open house. That morning we changed our plans and decided to drive straight through to Marquette to stay with Craig, Maggy, and the boys. It was going to get cold that night and we wanted to wait until it was a little warmer to camp.
The kids were great for the 8 hour drive. They both slept until we got to Mackinaw City and stopped for dinner. Once we crossed over Lilah slept off and on, and Jonathan stayed awake watching movies and playing. We got in around 10:45, chatted a bit and went to sleep.

Day 2
We lucked out and Uncle Craig had the day off, overseeing the golf course, he doesn't get very many of those. We started off the day with a hike up SugarLoaf Mountain. The kids had a great time. Jonathan and Jace would take off ahead of us and explore. They enjoyed climbing up the rock and picking and eating wild blueberries. Jonathan was stealing all the berries everyone was picking. The grabbed some sticks and stones on the way up and loved "launching" them off the top of the mountain. The view was amazing. Most people forget we have all of this right here in Michigan.
After our climb, we went in to Marquette and picked up a family size sub to split from a local sub shop. We took it to Presque Isle Park and had a picnic lunch facing Lake Superior. This was where we had Craig and Maggy's rehearsal lunch at. The boys spend a good hour throwing rocks in to Lake Superior while Boden and Lilah splashed in the little puddles of water that gathered on the rock. I think they could have spent all day doing that.
We headed back home and let the boys play outside. They had a great time running across the rumble bridge and playing in the sandbox. Mike and Craig went golfing at Craig's golfcourse, Greywalls, while Maggy and I took the kids to "Wood Park". Jonathan and Jace were "booming" on the older kids when they started to play back. Jonathan ended up getting pushed down and mommy had to lay down the law with a few kids. I can't stand bullies. After a nice dinner and baths, we were all ready for bed.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Goodbye Caliber, Hello New Life
I never thought I would be saying this, but I L.O.V.E. my new van. Yep you heard me. There is so much room, and it is very comfortable.
Anyways, I have been slacking on the kid updates, so here is goes.
is loving summer. This week is his last soccer practice. I am afraid to tell him because he is going to be DEVASTATED. He has also been taking Tennis lessons. He loves to play tennis with his cousin and his girlfriend (his cousin is not his girlfriend, they all happen to take lessons together). Mike even bought a tennis racket so they can play together. I think he has to be home to be able to do that though. His methods of playing have been changing over the past few months. In addition to playing with his trains, cars, and legos, he now likes playing with his "guys". These "guys" include Rescue Heroes, misc. fast food toys, and a few Super Heroes (Batman, Human Torch, Silver Surfer, Green Goblin, New Goblin . . .) It's very entertaining to watch and listen to.
Jonathan and Lilah have started arguing, It's actually pretty funny. I am sure I won't be saying that in a few months though. He'll yell at her, and she yells right back. She will purposely wait until he yells "No" to yell back.
Wow. What can I say? She is now 10 1/2 months old. I can believe she is going to be 1 in just over a month. I need to get working on a Smash The Cake session. She is becoming quite the little lady. She loves to "talk" and is eating just about everything we eat now. We have added dairy back in to her diet and she is doing great. It looks like she has outgrown the MSPI and Reflux. This makes us so happy. I feel like I am feeding two teenagers the way they eat. I have not come across anything she will eat yet. Drinking, now that is another story. I have started trying to introduce cow's milk to her. It's starting to get a little better,she'll now take a sip or two. I think weaning her is going to take a little longer than I expected. Miss Lilah has also taken a step. She'll grab your hand and start walking at the pace of a mall walker. Seriously, she takes off. I give it a few weeks. Lilah's favorite toys are matchbox cars, monster trucks and trains. She does like to play with the occasional motorcycle or super hero. Yea, I think I need to get her some girl toys.
Not much else is new. We are about to go camping with the kids for the first time. That should be interesting.
Anyways, I have been slacking on the kid updates, so here is goes.
is loving summer. This week is his last soccer practice. I am afraid to tell him because he is going to be DEVASTATED. He has also been taking Tennis lessons. He loves to play tennis with his cousin and his girlfriend (his cousin is not his girlfriend, they all happen to take lessons together). Mike even bought a tennis racket so they can play together. I think he has to be home to be able to do that though. His methods of playing have been changing over the past few months. In addition to playing with his trains, cars, and legos, he now likes playing with his "guys". These "guys" include Rescue Heroes, misc. fast food toys, and a few Super Heroes (Batman, Human Torch, Silver Surfer, Green Goblin, New Goblin . . .) It's very entertaining to watch and listen to.
Jonathan and Lilah have started arguing, It's actually pretty funny. I am sure I won't be saying that in a few months though. He'll yell at her, and she yells right back. She will purposely wait until he yells "No" to yell back.
Wow. What can I say? She is now 10 1/2 months old. I can believe she is going to be 1 in just over a month. I need to get working on a Smash The Cake session. She is becoming quite the little lady. She loves to "talk" and is eating just about everything we eat now. We have added dairy back in to her diet and she is doing great. It looks like she has outgrown the MSPI and Reflux. This makes us so happy. I feel like I am feeding two teenagers the way they eat. I have not come across anything she will eat yet. Drinking, now that is another story. I have started trying to introduce cow's milk to her. It's starting to get a little better,she'll now take a sip or two. I think weaning her is going to take a little longer than I expected. Miss Lilah has also taken a step. She'll grab your hand and start walking at the pace of a mall walker. Seriously, she takes off. I give it a few weeks. Lilah's favorite toys are matchbox cars, monster trucks and trains. She does like to play with the occasional motorcycle or super hero. Yea, I think I need to get her some girl toys.
Not much else is new. We are about to go camping with the kids for the first time. That should be interesting.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Why daddy sick?
Preface: Mike has not been feeling well. His muscles and bones have been hurting really bad to the point where he can barely pick up Lilah. He had the day off, but I took the kids to daycare so he could rest and go to the doctors.
Jonathan: Hey mom, you take medicine and drink water and it make you feel better?
Me: Yep, sometimes that helps.
Jonathan: Oh. Why daddy no do that all night long? Why him still sick?
Me: I don't know baby. Daddy doesn't feel good.
Jonathan: Mom, I have so much bones in my body.
Me: Yep, you have lots of bones in your body.
Jonathan: Yes. Daddy have big bones in his body. Daddy's big bones hurt mom.
Me: I know, daddy's bones hurt. Hopefully the doctor can make him feel better.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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