Somehow I let Mike convince me to crawl over the deck area and go to the bottom of the waterfall to take pictures. Of course Jonathan and Jace wanted to follow. So Mike and the bigger boys joined. They had a great time walking on the rocks with Mike. They saw large frogs and turtles. We then made the long hike back up the stairs. Jonathan just about ran up all of them. I tried to keep up as he had an "opporunity" with his listening skills (she still insists he left his listening ears at Nana's), but he sure gave me a run for my money.
I think Jonathan's favorite part of our hikes was the fact that if he had to pee, he could go outdoors. He doesn't get to do that at home. If it were only that convenient for all of us . . .
After our hike we met Uncle Craig at the Marquette Lighthouse. We went on a tour and went through the museum. We were able to walk out on the grounds of the lighthouse too. We ordered some of the most delicious pizza, and while it was cooking we took the kids back to "Wood Park" to play. After we ate dinner at Craig and Maggy's, Craig took us all on a tour of his golf course. We took an 8 passenger golf cart around the grounds. I think this was one of my favorite parts of our vacation. The golf course is absolutly beautiful. It has AMAZING views. Jonathan loved riding on the golf cart. He found a ball and Jace tought him how to wash it in the ball washer. The kids found a patch of wild raspberries and filled their little bellies. Lilah loved the green. The grass was perfect for her to crawl around and stand on. The boys also enjoyed rolling down the huge hills. The perfect ending to the perfect day.

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