Went for diapers. I had a coupon for the Kroger Comforts. I am normally a Pampers or Luvs kind of girl, but for $2.99 a pack I decided to give it a try.
Spend $45.43, saved $88.31. Not too bad. Specially since I stocked up on diapers and wipes.
It would have been at least $10 less if I did not need to get baggies. I am having a table at a mom to mom sale next weekend and have some little things that needed to be bagged.
They were out of a lot of the things I needed. Guess that is what happens when I wait until Friday. My free Crest toothpaste was all gone, and the packets of tuna that would have been 3 for $2, and the Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal I would have gotten for $1 each, all that was left was the instant crap. Oh well. I did wind up with some good deals, the Nestle Tollhouse Sugar Cookie dough was a manager special for .99. I put them in the freezer to use for Easter Cookies. the Pampers and Huggies Wipes I got for .50 each.
Below are my free items. I love free items. Except for the diapers and Haley in the background, she wasn't free.