We get in to the room and the doctor comes in . He must have had a skin graph or laser surgery or something on his nose because it was really red and looked like it was healing. I could tell Jonathan was looking at it. "Hey, why your nose red, why?". My mom and I tried distracting him but he was looking for an answer. "Hey, why you nose red?". The doctor is obviously ignoring him and Jonathan turned to me, "Hey mom, why his nose red like that?". "I don't know sweetie". He dropped it, but I think the doctor didn't. He went to look in Jonathan's ears, "You yookin for birds", nothing, "You yistenin for birds in there?". Still nothing. Jonathan kept talking to the doctor and was being ignored. The doctor spend less than 2 minutes with us and most of it was spend asking about Lilah's reflux and who put her on the meds and what her symptoms were. Not what we came there for. he headed for the door, handed me two prescriptions. I asked if they had a virus, "He's congested and his throat is real red, he hast bronchitis. She's congested too and getting it". When we got to the pharmacy the pharmacist mentioned that he wrote the script for pills. Yep, pills for a almost 3 year old and a 6 month old. She fixed it for us. Jonathan has had an antibiotic once, and Lilah has never had one. Not a fan.
I called our pediatrition this morning and talked to the nurse. They were not happy that the kids were put on the pink stuff and wanted to see them both in to be evaluated. Mike took them in this afternoon. No bronchitis. Virus. They wanted Jonathan on Dimatap Cold and Allergy to clear up his symptons, if they last a few more days they want him in for further testing. Lilah's fever was gone so they did her 6 month check up along with shots.
They are still coughing and pretty uncomfortable, hoping they will start getting better soon.

They are so adorable. Just looking at these pics makes me happy!
Poor babies!
I'd have popped that Dr. right in his red nose! What a meanie!
I hope they are feeling better soon! The pictures are adorable! You surely can't tell they are sick!
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